

Fooda is a tech company that partners with local restaurants to provide workplace food programs.


Fooda is a tech company that partners with local restaurants to provide workplace food programs.


Digital Fooda Cards


This is a concept that revolved around digital passes available within the Fooda mobile app. Users would be able to choose between different tiers of food plans that fit their needs. Each plan would have an accompanying digital card.


Meal Plan Selection


Users would swipe through several types of meal plans. Here you can see the recommended Fooda Pass, which is the regular priced pass that gives employees 3 meals per weak. A Fooda Rush Pass, which would give users the ability to skip the line at a higher cost. And lastly a Veggie Pass, which would give vegetarian users a lower cost option.


Vegetarian Menu


I also created a menu screen that would clearly show which meals were vegetarian options by displaying a matching veggie card icon next to the meal titles.




The idea behind the checkout process was that vendors would tap employees phone screens in order to complete orders. The digital card would then flip over to show that a meal had been purchased. In order to alert users that they had used up all of their meals and to encourage another purchase, a button would appear and ask users if they would like to purchase an additional meal.
